Stranglehold Pretender  - Hasbro (1989) action figure collectible - Main Image 1
Stranglehold Pretender  - Hasbro (1989) action figure collectible - Main Image 2
Stranglehold Pretender  - Hasbro (1989) action figure collectible - Main Image 3
Stranglehold Pretender  - Hasbro (1989) action figure collectible - Main Image 4
Stranglehold Pretender
Stranglehold (Pretender, 1989)

Accessories: Large ”brawn blaster” rifle, ”concussion blaster” pistol, helmet, rhino backpack/shield

The Transformers Stranglehold’s inner robot transforms into a robotic rhino. His shell resembles an intergalactic sci-fi wrestler/circus strongman with a removable helmet. Like the other smaller humanoid 1989 Pretenders, Stranglehold’s shell includes an accessory that is an integral part of his inner robot: the combined back and tail of his rhino alt mode (in a delightful shade of lavender), which attaches to the upper left arm of his outer shell as a small shield. Stranglehold also includes a small orange gun for his inner-robot to hold or plug into his alt mode backpiece, and a large white rifle and helmet for his shell.Stranglehold’s shell is not Burt Reynolds. He also does not come with the spiked-ball-and-chain weapon he consistently carried in the Marvel comics.No version of this mold or character was released in Japan.
Date Added:
2021-02-08 10:10:23
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