Six Shot & Revolver Boxed
Decepticon Revolver & Six Shot (Leader Class, 2016)
Accessories: ’Revolver’ Titan Master partner, 2 hypersonic concussion blasters
Six Shot is a Leader-class mold as part of the Titans Return subline imprint. He can transform between six different modes: robot, tank, car, jet, beast, and upside-down laser gun submarine. The car mode has seating for two Titan Master figures, though they don’t stay in very well. The tank mode has a flip-open cockpit with seating for one.In a cute touch, his Titan Master’s head mode has a headband with the kanji for ”six” on it, as a nod to Sixshot’s Japanese ninja personality. In a rather twisted touch, said Titan Master is based on Jack from The Headmasters, who ended up brutally killed thanks to Sixshot!Like all Titans Return Leader Class figures (sans Blaster and Soundwave), he doesn’t need to have his head removed to transform. His wolf mode still needs Revolver removed to fill a gap in the wolf head for aesthetic purposes, but in all the other modes you can just leave Revolver in the helmet with no problem. Unlike other Leader Class figures in this line, Six Shot does not have an (official) base mode. However, his wings have clips on the edges that allow him to connect to other Leader Class figures’ base modes when in certain modes; his instructions suggest the tank mode.He is very similar to his original toy in appearance and transformation. However, due to changes in the way the legs transform, a completely accurate conversion to Wingwolf mode is not possible, though the figure can get close enough if one is so inclined. In an undocumented feature, Six Shot’s blasters can be pegged onto his back.Many copies of Six Shot have been reported to have very loose joints. Notably, these include the shoulders, hips and knees, all of which use simple pinned hinge joints or swivels rather than ball joints or ratchets. In some cases, said loose joints prevent Sixshot from holding any pose beyond a simple ”standing in place”.Six Shot was redecoed (with a new faceplate) into Quickswitch, and more extensively remolded into Greatshot.
Accessories: ’Revolver’ Titan Master partner, 2 hypersonic concussion blasters
Six Shot is a Leader-class mold as part of the Titans Return subline imprint. He can transform between six different modes: robot, tank, car, jet, beast, and upside-down laser gun submarine. The car mode has seating for two Titan Master figures, though they don’t stay in very well. The tank mode has a flip-open cockpit with seating for one.In a cute touch, his Titan Master’s head mode has a headband with the kanji for ”six” on it, as a nod to Sixshot’s Japanese ninja personality. In a rather twisted touch, said Titan Master is based on Jack from The Headmasters, who ended up brutally killed thanks to Sixshot!Like all Titans Return Leader Class figures (sans Blaster and Soundwave), he doesn’t need to have his head removed to transform. His wolf mode still needs Revolver removed to fill a gap in the wolf head for aesthetic purposes, but in all the other modes you can just leave Revolver in the helmet with no problem. Unlike other Leader Class figures in this line, Six Shot does not have an (official) base mode. However, his wings have clips on the edges that allow him to connect to other Leader Class figures’ base modes when in certain modes; his instructions suggest the tank mode.He is very similar to his original toy in appearance and transformation. However, due to changes in the way the legs transform, a completely accurate conversion to Wingwolf mode is not possible, though the figure can get close enough if one is so inclined. In an undocumented feature, Six Shot’s blasters can be pegged onto his back.Many copies of Six Shot have been reported to have very loose joints. Notably, these include the shoulders, hips and knees, all of which use simple pinned hinge joints or swivels rather than ball joints or ratchets. In some cases, said loose joints prevent Sixshot from holding any pose beyond a simple ”standing in place”.Six Shot was redecoed (with a new faceplate) into Quickswitch, and more extensively remolded into Greatshot.
Titans Return
Date Added:
2021-02-16 15:17:02