Aerialbots Superion 5-Pack (Air Raid, Fireflight, Silverbolt, Skydive & Slingshot) (KO) - Unknown (The Transformers) action figure collectible [Barcode 038976058152] - Main Image 1
Aerialbots Superion 5-Pack (Air Raid, Fireflight, Silverbolt, Skydive & Slingshot) (KO)
Wave: 3 Year: 1986 Retail: $26.99 Series: G1 Group: Aerialbots
Function: Air Warrior
Motto: To live is to fight; to die is to stop.
A fierce and frightful fighting machine. Suppresses thought of the five Aerialbots that comprise him, directs his thinking to one purpose: destruction of Decepticons. Cold, aloof. Flies at 800 mph, range 5800 miles. Can demolish a battleship with one blow. Uses electrostatic discharger rifle. Difficult for him to adapt to new situations or be innovative due to limited mental functions.
Alternate mode: Combined state of all Aerialbots

Air Raid
Wave: 3 Year: 1986 Retail: $3.99 Series: G1 Group: Aerialbots
Function: Warrior
Motto: If you look first, you may not leap
Prefers streaking into a cluster of Decepticons to shooting at them from long range... says, "that always sparks their wires a bit.” Tactically, most fearless Aerialbot... just wants to have fun. Flies at Mach 2.5, range 1500 miles. Carries air-to-air heat-seeking missiles, uses torque rifle whose beam applies 80,000 psi of rotational force. With fellow Aerialbots forms "Superion”.
Alternate mode: F-15 Eagle

Wave: 3 Year: 1986 Retail: $3.99 Series: G1 Group: Aerialbots
Function: Reconnaissance
Motto: When I’m flying, no enemy is safe - nor friend.
If Aerialbots needed pilots’ licenses, he’d never have gotten his... a hazard in the skies. Doesn’t pay attention to where he’s going since he’s too busy marvelling at scenery. Flies at Mach 2.0, range 1000 miles. Carries flammable "fire-fog” missiles, uses photon displacer gun that affects sight by distorting light waves. With fellow Aerialbots forms "Superion”.
Alternate mode: F-4 Phantom II Jet

Wave: 3 Year: 1986 Retail: $11.99 Series: G1 Group: Aerialbots
Function: Aerialbot Leader
Motto: Don’t look down, look straight ahead.
Scared of heights. Brave, grimly determined warrior, but he struggles to maintain that image in order to hide his phobia. Selected by Optimus Prime to command so he’d be too busy worrying about others to worry about himself. In jet mode, speed of Mach 1.9, range 4500 miles. Carries electrostatic battery that releases electric bolt of up to 150,000 volts through his nose cone. Uses electrostatic discharger rifle in robot mode. Combines with other Aerialbots to form "Superion”.
Alternate mode: Concorde SST

Wave: 3 Year: 1986 Retail: $3.99 Series: G1 Group: Aerialbots
Function: Air Warfare Strategist
Motto: Only by studying the past can we win the present.
Would rather read about jet fighters than be one... fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. Can, within the limits of his design, duplicate the flying motion of anything he sees... maybe most skilled flyer of all Transformers. Flies at Mach 2.6, range 1400 miles. Carries laser-guided missiles, uses nega-gun that crumbles objects by breaking molecular bonds. Prone to mid-air stalls. With fellow Aerialbots forms "Superion”.
Alternate mode: F-16 Falcon Jet

Wave: 3 Year: 1986 Retail: $3.99 Series: G1 Group: Aerialbots
Function: Ground Troop Support
Motto: I’m even better than I think
He won’t ever win a Mr. Popularity contest - incessant braggart, takes credit for exploits of other Autobots. Optimus Prime is supportive since he’s hard-working and loyal, but he secretly lacks self-confidence. Vertical-take-off-and-landing aircraft, flies at Mach 1.6, range 800 miles, extremely maneuverable. Sharpshooter - has twin mortar cannons as jet, neutron rifle as robot. With fellow Aerialbots forms "Superion”.
Alternate mode: AV-8B Harrier II Jet
The Transformers
4th Party Generation 1
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2021-09-04 11:27:31
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