Crankcase (broken) Project Missing  - Hasbro (Dark Of The Moon) action figure collectible - Main Image 1
Crankcase (broken) Project Missing  - Hasbro (Dark Of The Moon) action figure collectible - Main Image 2
Crankcase (broken) Project Missing  - Hasbro (Dark Of The Moon) action figure collectible - Main Image 3
Crankcase (broken) Project Missing  - Hasbro (Dark Of The Moon) action figure collectible - Main Image 4
Crankcase (broken) Project Missing
Crankcase (MechTech Deluxe Class, 2011)

Japanese ID number: DD04

Accessories: MechTech Blaster/Blade Claw

Part of the first wave of Dark of the Moon Deluxes, Crankcase transforms into a modified Chevrolet Suburban. As part of the MechTech series, he has a Blaster weapon that features a nasty grabby-claw action feature. He also has a pair of huge pincers above his robot-mode head that can also be flipped forward whilst in vehicle mode.
His dreadlocks are supposed to be able to swivel, with the intent that they be swung behind his head to fit under his hood for vehicle mode, but in practice, this proved an either impossible or inadvisable prospect: on most, the gold paint applied has made them too thick to be rotated, running the risk of tearing the soft plastic. And even if you do get a Crankcase that doesn’t have this problem, the tiny translucent plastic hinges to which the dreadlocks are connected won’t last long. This means that they either end up stuffed inside his chest in vehicle mode (this is how the toy comes packaged), or are left dangling outside, with the former configuration forcing the dreadlocks to compete with everything else for space and putting the car under enough tension that it feels like it’s about to spring apart.
In an apparent running change, the otherwise long and pointed middle digit on each hand (as per the stock photo on the right) was shoddily cut off into a noticeably thick stump (compared to the more slender fingers remaining), often cut to a different length on each hand. It is unknown if this was done for safety reasons, an error during assembly, or maybe Hasbro decided that long, extended middle fingers just weren’t a tasteful design choice for a children’s toy. Later releases, however, featured retooled hands with a shorter middle finger similar to his others.
The Japanese Dark Side Moon release features the remolded hands exclusively. It also comes packed with a character card and an accompanying transparent plastic card of his MechTech weapon for the MechTech Wars online game.
Crankcase’s MechTech weapon is redecoed (in mostly gold chrome) as the "Heat Blade Claw” accessory, and it was released as a giveaway for the Dark of the Moon Toyline Release Celebration campaign in Japan. Meanwhile, the figure (complete with accessory) is redecoed as a Vehicon from Age of Extinction.
Dark Of The Moon
Date Added:
2022-01-03 04:37:27
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