Botcon 1999 Windrazor
Windrazor (Deluxe, 1999)
Accessories: Left & right feather-missiles
Windrazor is a white-with-purple-accents redeco of the Maximal Silverbolt, transforming into an eagle-wolf hybrid creature. His wings have spring-loaded missile launchers, while pulling on his beast mode tail swings them forward. These missiles can also be used as hand-held melee weapons in robot mode. He was available exclusively at the BotCon 1999 Transformers Convention. 1200 were made of both him and Sandstorm.
You had to destroy this beautiful thing to get your toy out.
Windrazor is the only convention-original exclusive sold on a card with a sealed plastic bubble. The packaging proved unpopular with collectors as it is impossible to remove the toy without destroying its packaging, and so that style was never used again.
Accessories: Left & right feather-missiles
Windrazor is a white-with-purple-accents redeco of the Maximal Silverbolt, transforming into an eagle-wolf hybrid creature. His wings have spring-loaded missile launchers, while pulling on his beast mode tail swings them forward. These missiles can also be used as hand-held melee weapons in robot mode. He was available exclusively at the BotCon 1999 Transformers Convention. 1200 were made of both him and Sandstorm.
You had to destroy this beautiful thing to get your toy out.
Windrazor is the only convention-original exclusive sold on a card with a sealed plastic bubble. The packaging proved unpopular with collectors as it is impossible to remove the toy without destroying its packaging, and so that style was never used again.
3H Enterprises
Date Added:
2022-02-27 18:48:57