Razorclaw 1st - Hasbro (Universe) action figure collectible - Main Image 1
Razorclaw 1st - Hasbro (Universe) action figure collectible - Main Image 2
Razorclaw 1st - Hasbro (Universe) action figure collectible - Main Image 3
Razorclaw 1st - Hasbro (Universe) action figure collectible - Main Image 4
Razorclaw 1st
Razorclaw (Ultra, 2003)

Accessories: 2 missiles, 2 feather-missiles

Razorclaw is a dark gray and purple redeco and slight retool of Tigerhawk, transforming into a winged mechanical/organic tiger with a bird-helmeted "attack mode”. In attack mode, he is armed with "feather” missiles very similar to the Fuzor Silverbolt’s, with spring-loaded switches to flip the wings forward, and flip-out missile launchers which activate when a lever on Razorclaw’s back is pulled (which also moves the wings). A bird helmet that is usually hidden mostly behind the tiger head is deployed in this mode. (The normal beast mode points these missiles backwards and uses the normal tiger head.) Under his beast head is a small cockpit with an empty pilot’s chair, a vestigial remnant of his aborted "third mode."
Razorclaw’s hind leg talons are also spring-loaded to snap closed when the palms are depressed. His beast mode tiger head has an articulated jaw and an articulated tongue! The flip-out missile launchers can be removed and pegged into the top and bottom of Razorclaw’s left fist pegholes.
His feather-missile launcher mechanisms were slightly retooled from the original version of the toy. Though his toy is a Decepticon by allegiance, it keeps its sculpted Maximal logo.
Date Added:
2022-06-18 12:00:52
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