Optimus Prime VS Megatron The Battle Begins - Hasbro (Animated) action figure collectible - Main Image 1
Optimus Prime VS Megatron The Battle Begins - Hasbro (Animated) action figure collectible - Main Image 2
Optimus Prime VS Megatron The Battle Begins - Hasbro (Animated) action figure collectible - Main Image 3
Optimus Prime VS Megatron The Battle Begins - Hasbro (Animated) action figure collectible - Main Image 4
Optimus Prime VS Megatron The Battle Begins
Optimus Prime vs. Megatron: The Battle Begins (Entertainment Pack, 2008)

Accessories: Ion-Axe

Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro)

The Deluxe-class Earth Mode Optimus Prime has a very similar engineering design to the Deluxe-class Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime figure. He has a battle-damaged deco and comes with a Deluxe-class Cybertron Mode Megatron figure as well as a DVD featuring the first episode of Transformers Animated. He has a distinctively more "Generation 1” look than other Animated Primes, given the addition of smokestacks (a detail absent from the animation model) and a lack of black beneath the silver stripes. Like deluxe Megatron, he features a punching/axe slashing gimmick, where twisting his spring-loaded waist will make it snap back for a "robot punch.” There are actually 4 wheels on his legs, so that the tires are always on the outside. Unfortunately, he can’t skate on them like in the show. His axe (which is the most show-accurate out of all of his toys) stores in his aft section. As with Cybertron Mode Optimus, this figure even has enough articulation to hold his long-handled axe two-handed and raise it over his head for a massive chop. Brilliant. The smokestacks can be popped off for a more show-accurate look. Since the battle damage is also applied on his painted translucent chest, any attempt to remove said paint will result in his design-origin paint details being removed as well. The smokestacks can be rotated to form some kind of a wrist-mounted water hose, but please don’t twist them while they’re on the painted forearms.
The rear packaging also incorrectly depicts his vehicle mode photo as mirrored.
If you want to be pedantic about it, the battle implied by the battle-pack pairing is technically a timeline impossibility, insofar as it depicts Earth Mode Optimus versus Cybertron Mode Megatron. It is also scaled incorrectly, as Megatron was shown as being notably larger than Optimus in Transform and Roll Out.
This toy was later re-released without changes in a 2-pack with Blackarachnia and was also redecoed in translucent plastics and packaged with Rodimus by Takara in a Sons of Cybertron 2-pack.
Date Added:
2023-04-30 19:17:07
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