Megatron VS Optimus Prime The Battle Begins - Hasbro (Animated) action figure collectible - Main Image 1
Megatron VS Optimus Prime The Battle Begins - Hasbro (Animated) action figure collectible - Main Image 2
Megatron VS Optimus Prime The Battle Begins - Hasbro (Animated) action figure collectible - Main Image 3
Megatron VS Optimus Prime The Battle Begins - Hasbro (Animated) action figure collectible - Main Image 4
Megatron VS Optimus Prime The Battle Begins
Optimus Prime vs. Megatron: The Battle Begins (Entertainment Pack, 2008)

Accessories: Bladed cannon

Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro)

Megatron transforms into a sleek spacecraft with, er, VTOL turbofans (presumably designed to show some lineage with his eventual helicopter mode. It’s best if you don’t think about it too hard). His signature fusion cannon forms the central chassis and cockpit section of the spacecraft (officially, a "Fusion Fighter”); his sword sections mount on the sides of the cannon for storage, though the blade is unremovable and effectively useless. Like the Prime figure he comes with, he features a punching gimmick, having a spring-loaded waist that snaps back when twisted. Unfortunately, Megatron’s balljoint hips and the swivel joints between his thighs and knees are rather loose, making it difficult to pose the figure in such a way that he stands on his own. The figure features a silver color scheme and battle damage paint applications. Also included was a DVD featuring the first episode of Transformers Animated.
The design makes it impossible to mount his fusion cannon beneath his cockpit like in the show.
If you want to be pedantic about it, the battle implied by the battle-pack pairing is technically a timeline impossibility, insofar as it depicts Cybertron Mode Megatron versus Earth Mode Optimus. It is also scaled incorrectly, as Megatron was shown as being notably larger than Optimus in "Transform and Roll Out”.
This mold was used to make the third prize of the Hasbro UK exclusive limited Edition Handmade Samples.
United States
Date Added:
2023-05-12 09:56:26
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