Bruticus Maximus - Hasbro (Revenge Of The Fallen) action figure collectible - Main Image 1
Bruticus Maximus - Hasbro (Revenge Of The Fallen) action figure collectible - Main Image 2
Bruticus Maximus - Hasbro (Revenge Of The Fallen) action figure collectible - Main Image 3
Bruticus Maximus - Hasbro (Revenge Of The Fallen) action figure collectible - Main Image 4
Bruticus Maximus
Bruticus Maximus (2009)

Bruticus Maximus is a redeco of the Energon Bruticus Maximus/Destruction Team toys. He is composed of his five team members, with Onslaught forming his central body component while universal connection points allow the other four to serve as any arm or leg (with their Energon weapons forming hands and/or feet). He can also swap limbs with any other Energon combiner team molds. Bruticus Maximus was exclusively available at Target stores in the USA and at Zellers stores in Canada, and his components were not available separately, only in a combiner five-pack.
Like Superion, this toy was originally intended to be released as part of the 2008 Universe line as Generation 1 Bruticus Maximus, but was ultimately only released in Universe packaging on non-US markets such as Singapore and Australia, whereas the USA and Canada got the toy in Revenge of the Fallen packaging instead. It would later on be redecoed into United Bruticus Maximus
Revenge Of The Fallen
Date Added:
2023-05-15 15:00:34
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