Mythic Legions Siege at Bjorngar - Four Horseman (Mythic Legions - Seige At Bjorngar) action figure collectible - Main Image 1
Mythic Legions Siege at Bjorngar - Four Horseman (Mythic Legions - Seige At Bjorngar) action figure collectible - Main Image 2
Mythic Legions Siege at Bjorngar - Four Horseman (Mythic Legions - Seige At Bjorngar) action figure collectible - Main Image 3
Mythic Legions Siege at Bjorngar
Evil’s return to Mythoss was calculated, deliberate and entirely lacking in fanfare or bombast. Its subtle dark malice crept over the realm like a shadow, cursing it slowly. Ages of peaceful complacency led many to turn a blind eye toward the evil forces that lurked in the dark. The first major show of force ushering in the new age occurred when the Legion of Arethyr spilled out from their realm of Arethorn and into the rugged wastelands of Bjorngar. Considered the first major battle in the second age of darkness, the siege at Bjorngar serves as a bloodstained landmark in the history of Mythoss.
Mythic Legions - Seige At Bjorngar
Four Horseman
United States
Release Date:
9 in
Date Added:
2023-06-17 11:22:42
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