Bruticus G2 Swindle Brawl Onslaught Blast Off Whirl Combaticons  - Hasbro (Generations War For Cybertron) action figure collectible - Main Image 1
Bruticus G2 Swindle Brawl Onslaught Blast Off Whirl Combaticons  - Hasbro (Generations War For Cybertron) action figure collectible - Main Image 2
Bruticus G2 Swindle Brawl Onslaught Blast Off Whirl Combaticons  - Hasbro (Generations War For Cybertron) action figure collectible - Main Image 3
Bruticus G2 Swindle Brawl Onslaught Blast Off Whirl Combaticons  - Hasbro (Generations War For Cybertron) action figure collectible - Main Image 4
Bruticus G2 Swindle Brawl Onslaught Blast Off Whirl Combaticons
Bruticus (Multi-pack, 2012)

Accessories: Sonic Cannon

Known designers: Andrew Franks (deco artist)

This version of Bruticus comes as a gift set, exclusive to Amazon and BigBadToyStore. Packaged in a Generation 2-styled box complete with hand-painted character art, it contains redecoes of all five Generations Fall of Cybertron Combaticons in their Generation 1 doppelgangers’ Generation 2 colors, complete with Generation 2 Decepticon insignia. While Onslaught forms the torso, the remaining team members can serve as any of the four limbs, though the official configuration has Vortex as the left arm, Blast Off as the right arm, Brawl as the left leg, and Swindle as the right leg. The individual weapons the Combaticons have can be combined into a "Sonic Cannon” for Bruticus to wield via 5 mm post.
Like the original releases of the mold, this Bruticus also possessed some balance issues. This is mostly caused by having all of the Combaticons being Deluxes, Onslaught included. Although the 4 limb Combaticons can assume either an arm or foot position, certain members fare very poorly in certain modes, such as Brawl as an arm or Blast Off as a leg, which creates further balancing problems for Bruticus.
Preorders for the set began on July 6 of 2012 via Amazon (BigBadToyStore would not put up theirs until much later), and the final product was shipped out in early/mid-November. This may be considered a tie-in to Amazon’s preorder bonus for the game: a "Generation 2"-themed skin for Bruticus. This set was also available at normal retail in Australia.
These molds were retooled into Fall of Cybertron Ruination.
Generations War For Cybertron
Date Added:
2023-07-30 11:43:39
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