Back Of The Throat - Yussef El Guindi art collectible [Barcode 9780822221852] - Main Image 1
Back Of The Throat
Sparkling with intelligence and humor, BACK OF THE THROAT is the tale of an apparently friendly visit by two government officials, which soon devolves into a full-blown, no-holds-barred probe. Khaled, an Arab-American writer and the focus of their inquiry, finds himself, to his astonishment, suddenly accused of possible ties to terrorists. As the interrogation proceeds, the officials reveal their evidence, but is it evidence? Or have innocent events been distorted through the lens of paranoid suspicion? As the situation turns increasingly surreal, and the menace to Khaled increasingly real, the question of what it means to be an American takes on a very personal and charged significance.
Yussef El Guindi
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Date Added:
2022-10-09 19:57:03
Full Length, Drama
Art Form:
Dramatist Play Services
4 men, 1 woman (doubling, flexible casting)