Beyond the Sun: Sagitarius A & Beta Colony Promos  (1-4) board game collectible - Main Image 1
Beyond the Sun: Sagitarius A & Beta Colony Promos  (1-4) board game collectible - Main Image 2
Beyond the Sun: Sagitarius A & Beta Colony Promos
Beyond the Sun: Sagittarius A and Beta Colony is a set of two promotional cards that can be added to Beyond the Sun. Here’s what these cards do:

Sagittarius A System card: Ship may never leave this System for any reason (including ships that are passing through). When colonized, all ships on this System (of any faction) are removed from the game.
Beta Colony Technology card: Pay two ore and return two population to colonize a System card. Get a reward based on the value of the highest ship that is returned to your Faction mat.
Was also available as part of the rewards for backing Game Boy Geek 2021 Kickstarter campaign.
Number of Players:
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Rio Grande Games
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Date Added:
2023-10-14 13:58:43
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