The Arabian Nights - Sir Richard Burton (- Sewn Binding) book collectible - Main Image 1
The Arabian Nights - Sir Richard Burton (- Sewn Binding) book collectible - Main Image 2
The Arabian Nights
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International Collectors Library
Sewn Binding
Third Person
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One Thousand and One Nights (Arabic: Kitāb ’alf layla wa-layla; Persian: Hezār-o yek šab) is a collection of Middle Eastern and South Asian stories and folk tales compiled in Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age.

It is often known in English as the Arabian Nights, from the first English language edition (1706), which rendered the title as The Arabian Nights’ Entertainment.

The work as we have it was collected over many centuries by various authors, translators and scholars across the Middle East and North Africa.

The tales themselves trace their roots back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian and Mesopotamian folklore and literature.

In particular, many tales were originally folk stories from the Caliphate era, while others, especially the frame story, are most probably drawn from the Pahlavi Persian work Hazār Afsān (Thousand Tales) which in turn relied partly on Indian elements.

Though the oldest Arabic manuscript dates from the 14th century, scholarship generally dates the collection’s genesis to around the 9th century.

A startlingly prolific collector of fairy tales from around the world, Andrew Lang, in this 1898 work, brought together in one volume the "fairy tales of the East,” the delightful and resoundingly entertaining adventures of The Arabian Nights.

Translated from a French version, this wonderful book regales us with the stories of Sindbad and his seven voyages, the "Vizir who was Punished,” Aladdin and his magic lamp, and many, many more.

Scottish journalist and author ANDREW LANG (1844-1912), a friend of Robert Louis Stevenson, produced a stunning variety and number of volumes, including books of poetry, novels, children’s books, histories, and biographies, as well as criticism, essays, scholarly works of anthropology, and translations of classical literature.
Sir Richard Burton
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2018-06-26 17:33:06
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