Short Stories to Learn Spanish, Vol. 1 - Blanca Eugenia Pelayo book collectible [Barcode 9781672402545] - Main Image 1
Short Stories to Learn Spanish, Vol. 1
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Research shows that, when learning a new language, students who read for pleasure make the most progress on vocabulary acquisition and are better at understanding grammar structures. After several years of delivering audio and video lessons online, Spanish To Move(R) is publishing this book, which follows its unique formula: interesting stories carefully prepared to create subconscious patterns in the students. In this context, these stories will help you learn or practice Spanish, acquire new vocabulary, and go over the most used grammar structures without even thinking about grammar. Also, by focusing on short texts, you will remain engaged, focused and motivated when you achieve specific learning goals. This book offers 39 stories designed to take you from simple to complex grammar structures, on a variety of topics. You will find inspiring and motivational stories, as well as anecdotes on many subjects, ranging from geography and nature to history, psychology, and philosophy. The stories have been written mostly in present, past and future tenses, for beginner and intermediate students (levels A2, B1, and B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Blanca Eugenia Pelayo
Luis Arturo Pelayo
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2023-11-28 15:20:53
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