Pressure Point
A father suspected of murder must fight to save his family from a ruthless killer in this action-packed suspense thriller, starring Michael Madsen, Michele Scarabelli, Jeff Wincott, Steve Adams and Victoria Snow.
While touring the country, the Griffin family’s dilapidated motor home breaks downs on an isolated country road. The family’s relief at seeing an approaching police car quickly turns to horror as they find themselves held at gunpoint by Rudy Wicker (Wincott), a ruthless bank robber turned killer. Disguised as a cop, Wicker is on the run from a botched heist and the murders of a police officer and the local sheriff’s wife. In a desperate attempt to save his family, Jed Griffin (Madsen) lunges for Wicker’s gun and is shot in the chest. As Jed’s body tumbles down a steep embankment, Wicker tosses the dead cop’s jacket after him...the only evidence tying Wicker to the murder.
His life miraculously saved by a cell-phone placed in his breast pocket, Jed slowly regains consciousness. Cold and in shock, he puts on the bloodstained jacket lying nearby, unwittingly linking himself to Wicker’s crimes. Despite his battered condition, Jed miraculously recalls the escape route drawn on Wicker’s map and doggedly pursues his family while being hunted by Deputy Dana Flowers (Scarabelli) and the vengeance-driven Sheriff Hunt (Adams). When Jed’s pleas of innocence fall upon deaf ears, he has no choice but to steal a motorcycle and escape into the backwoods.
Meanwhile, nearby at a desolate rock quarry, Jed’s son, Shane, wrestles the wheel from the family’s captor allowing his mother, Haley (Snow), and sister, Tiffany, to escape from the motor home that had become their prison. Hot on their trail, Jed fearlessly pulls the motorcycle alongside the motor home and leaps aboard. As a desperate struggle ensues, the brakes fail sending Wicker, Jed and Shane speeding towards a deadly cliff. Suddenly, the motor home comes to a grinding halt as it catches on a rocky outcropping. The lives of the three men now hang in the balance as the vehicle teeters perilously on the cliff’s edge.
While touring the country, the Griffin family’s dilapidated motor home breaks downs on an isolated country road. The family’s relief at seeing an approaching police car quickly turns to horror as they find themselves held at gunpoint by Rudy Wicker (Wincott), a ruthless bank robber turned killer. Disguised as a cop, Wicker is on the run from a botched heist and the murders of a police officer and the local sheriff’s wife. In a desperate attempt to save his family, Jed Griffin (Madsen) lunges for Wicker’s gun and is shot in the chest. As Jed’s body tumbles down a steep embankment, Wicker tosses the dead cop’s jacket after him...the only evidence tying Wicker to the murder.
His life miraculously saved by a cell-phone placed in his breast pocket, Jed slowly regains consciousness. Cold and in shock, he puts on the bloodstained jacket lying nearby, unwittingly linking himself to Wicker’s crimes. Despite his battered condition, Jed miraculously recalls the escape route drawn on Wicker’s map and doggedly pursues his family while being hunted by Deputy Dana Flowers (Scarabelli) and the vengeance-driven Sheriff Hunt (Adams). When Jed’s pleas of innocence fall upon deaf ears, he has no choice but to steal a motorcycle and escape into the backwoods.
Meanwhile, nearby at a desolate rock quarry, Jed’s son, Shane, wrestles the wheel from the family’s captor allowing his mother, Haley (Snow), and sister, Tiffany, to escape from the motor home that had become their prison. Hot on their trail, Jed fearlessly pulls the motorcycle alongside the motor home and leaps aboard. As a desperate struggle ensues, the brakes fail sending Wicker, Jed and Shane speeding towards a deadly cliff. Suddenly, the motor home comes to a grinding halt as it catches on a rocky outcropping. The lives of the three men now hang in the balance as the vehicle teeters perilously on the cliff’s edge.
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Peter Falk
Bobby Darin
Sidney Poitier
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Stanley Kramer
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Olive Films
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Item Aspect Ratio:
Colored Snap Case
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Date Added:
2018-02-07 21:27:50