The Goonies II - Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) (Konami) video game collectible - Main Image 1
The Goonies II - Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) (Konami) video game collectible - Main Image 2
The Goonies II
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Release Date:
Game Summary:
You play Mikey, one of the gang members, whose friends have been kidnapped by the gang’s arch enemy – the Fratelli family. Your buddies and Annie the Mermaid must be rescued, but it won’t be easy sneaking into the dark and creepy underground hideout where they are being held. You must find a way to destroy their master computer and keep your friends from becoming road kill. If Ma Fratelli or crazy Cousin Pipsqueak doesn’t stop you, one of her two crazy sons will.

Upon starting the game, Mikey is armed only with a yo-yo and the ability to jump. As the game progresses, he will find boomerangs, a gun, bombs, molotave cocktails and even scuba gear to help him. Fight snakes, spiders, skeletons, man-eating fish while exploring the huge world full of cellars, secret caverns and elaborate mazes.

There is more than typical side-scrolling action, although there’s certainly a multitude of that. Seventeen magic implements and many secret messages await you. When Mikey enters a room he can talk to NPCs and try to find hidden items and doors by hitting the walls. A password lets you keep your possessions for the next game.
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
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Country of Purchase:
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Date Added:
2018-07-03 13:41:26
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