Namco Museum Essentials - Sony PlayStation Network (PSN) video game collectible - Main Image 1
Namco Museum Essentials
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Game Summary:
Namco Bandai released a new downloadable Namco Museum on the Japanese PlayStation Store with the name Namco Museum.comm on January 29, 2009, the ”.comm” is thought to stand for communication. They have also released the downloadable Namco Museum in North America on July 16, 2009,[1] and in Europe and Australia on April 1, 2010, under the name Namco Museum Essentials. It includes Pac-Man (1980), Dig Dug (1982), Galaga (1981), Xevious (1982), Dragon Spirit (1987), and Xevious Resurrection (2009), a new game in the Xevious series.

PlayStation Home includes a virtual arcade space with sample versions of the games. The PlayStation Store also features a free trial version that only includes the first few levels of Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Galaga and Xevious.
Sony PlayStation Network (PSN)
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Date Added:
2018-07-03 13:42:19
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