iCollect Everything version 1.3 has hit the iOS App Store today. This release is another bug fix release and includes the following changes:
- Fixed two crashes related to both Database Search and Collection Value features
- When scanning in a QR Code, the Edit Info screen now displays “QR Code” instead of the full URL
- The Progress Wheel now dismisses properly when any alert is shown while scanning in barcodes
- Updated some third party components with fixes
- Fixed an issue where a “person” field wasn’t saving the middle name components properly
- Fixed a number of data integrity issues, such as blank persons, apostrophe and quote appearance issues, duplicate items in the database, and more
- Turned off Spell Check and Auto-Correction on some text fields when creating a custom collection
- Some other minor fixes
Download the update here today: https://itunes.apple.com/US/app/id559036969?mt=8