Track of your movie collection and wishlist
Automatically estimates the current value of your movies!
Scan by barcode or use database search
Search by title, actor, and more. Full movie details.
The most complete worldwide movie database
Movies and TV show info from most countries.
All formats for any item
Includes 4K, Blu-ray, DVD, VHS, CED, digital, more.

iCollect Movies for mobile

Free to download for iOS and Android

iCollect Everything for desktop

For macOS and Windows

Sync your collection between mobile, desktop, and web!

Both iCollect Movies for mobile (iOS/Android) and iCollect Everything for desktop (Mac/Windows) can be used on their own, or used to sync your collection between all your devices. They are best used together, along with our built-in web sharing feature, to allow access to your collection from any place at any time.

Use iCollect Movies on the go, whether with an iPhone, iPad, or Android. Then use iCollect Everything when you get home on a large desktop screen with a keyboard for quicker input and modifications of your collection data. And then share your collection and wishlist with friends and family using our web sharing option.


Latest news and releases for Movies

Version 8.5 brings collapsible sections, more layout options in preparation for new trading cards collectible types

It’s been a while since we’ve posted an update here on the site, but we’ve been hard at work daily on features that will be of importance to not just our current users and collectible […]

Tons of new fields added to every collectible type in every app

This weekend we’ve added a ton of new fields to every collectible type in all of our apps. In order to get these fields, simply close your app and reopen it and they will appear. […]

Early 2024 brings version 8.2 of the iCollect apps

2024 brings in a new year and new features to the iOS apps! In early 2024 Android will also get these features and more as well. Here’s what’s in 8.2 of the iCollect iOS apps, […]

An update about our latest iCollect updates — Here’s what’s new!

Another day, another round of updates. The 8.1 version of the iOS has rolled out and here’s what’s in the latest versions: Updates and fixes to the iOS apps (8.1.3) Fixed a bug where the […]


Reviews from customers

Work great

"My old movie inventory app was discontinued. ICollect Movies was a great upgrade. Love the bulk import function. I added over 200 movies in less than 1/2 hour (the ones without barcodes slowed me down a bit)." - 5 stars from TheOriginalTeamChaos (Feb 03, 2025)


"Good and ggod" - 5 stars from BookThing8 (Nov 27, 2024)

Bout time

"Works well but the camera barcode scanner has trouble focusing and scans multiple times in a second. Seems to freeze up to. On both apple and android" - 5 stars from Dragonlord 1983 (Oct 07, 2024)

Love it so far

"Just began recording my movie collection and I enjoy the program" - 5 stars from (Sep 21, 2024)

Great organizing app!

"Hardly get any emails, no ads, for sure worth paying for the upgrade for more storage in it. Easy to use, very intuitive! You can mark the collections so you know ALL the movies you own but also who’s movie it is." - 5 stars from titanuum889 (Jun 13, 2024)

JP’s Home Theater collection

"Omg. I am so glad I found this app. I’ve often wondered how I’m going to keep track of my DVD collection. This is so easy to do. And I love the breakdown of the films. I’ll recommend this to all my friends." - 5 stars from The Phife dog (Mar 09, 2024)

ICollect hands down the best movie library

"I’ve been using ICollect to store all my movies and music on for years now. It’s by far the best way to keep all your disks in order!" - 5 stars from Nathometheatre (Feb 19, 2024)


"I have added all my movies to this app! It helps me so much when I'm out and about shopping and I happen to see a movie that catches my eye, I can look to see if I have it 😃 I have been adding all my movies to binders to get rid of all the cases ( so much more room)!! But when I started to add my movies to this app, I found out that I have multiples of a few movies. Oops 😬 a Tip if you need binders they have some on Temu 400 count but if you don't need that many they have fewer ones. I got a couple one to replace one that is falling apart. they are so adorable!" - 5 stars from 1938chevycoupe (Feb 15, 2024)

Excellent Product

"I own a lot of movies in different formats. This app helps me to bring together my entire collection in one database. You are importing a complete set of information on every movie you own. Makes it easy to track down movies in your collection" - 5 stars from Vince French (Jan 24, 2024)

Pleasantly surprised

"I recently switched to iCollect Movies from one of their competitors. I’ve only just begun to transition my collection but from what I’ve seen thus far this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. This app has none of the nuances of the app I was using… and that’s a good thing. I have an extensive collection of DVDs and Blu-rays. This app now gives a way to cross-reference those pesky movie collections that are on single or multiple disc sets. So now I know when I have movie that is buried in a collection and avoid buying duplicates." - 5 stars from The Moose Is Loose (Dec 28, 2023)

Great app

"Bar code reader makes it easy to use and the database appears to be very accurate. Definitely worth the cost for the unlimited version." - 5 stars from dwagsfive (Dec 25, 2023)